A marine lubricant is used to keep engine parts running smoothly. It is usually made of grease. This grease is thick and water-resistant, which is ideal for boat applications. It is also suitable for use in reels and winches. Unlike motor oil, marine grease has a jelly-like consistency, which helps it adhere to moving parts. Here are some characteristics of marine lubricants.


Sodium marine lubricant in Dubai is a common lubricant used on ships. Its tribological performance was studied using a water-based drilling fluid and sodium montmorillonite base mud. The compounds were used at different concentrations and were tested before and after an aging process. These tests showed that lubricant concentrations had a small effect on wear scars but that the additive did not significantly reduce the coefficient of friction.


Fuels with high sulphur content pose problems for ships, and new fuel regulations aim to reduce the amount by up to 85%. This will lead to significant changes in the industry, and operators who do not keep up with changes will be at risk of problems.


Vanadium is a trace element found in marine fuels. The presence of vanadium is detectable by ESR spectroscopy. It is also found in sludge samples. The amount of vanadium in lubricating oil should be determined according to the raw fuel used on the vessel.

Oil volatility:

Oil volatility is a crucial property of marine lubricants, and the degree of volatility determines how efficiently they perform their function. Oil volatility affects the rate of oil consumption, as well as its viscosity. A thicker oil makes an engine work harder, which can result in a range of problems.

Pour point:

The pour point is the lowest temperature at which oil flows from a sample in a laboratory. It is measured by holding a sample horizontally for five seconds. The pour point is three degrees Celsius above the no-movement point. The ASTM D97 standard describes a procedure to measure the pour point of petroleum products.

Purification of lube oil:

Purifying marine lubricants focuses on improving the performance of marine engines by removing impurities and maximizing the load-carrying capacity of the oil. The viscosity of lubricating oil is directly proportional to the load it can carry. Additives called extreme pressure (EP) are added to increase load-carrying capacity. Another important factor is the total base number (TBN). This value measures the lubricant’s alkalinity and neutralizes the fuel oil’s acidic effects.

By Bethany